Penjunjung Namaku

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Anyone who knows this is a KRU song will then know it's a song about parents. And how they are always there no matter how low a point in life you are at. They'll always support you no matter how far-fetched your decisions may be and how they are so against the tides. They're there. Your backbones. All their lives.

Yesterday I had a chat with the school warden. I was shocked to find out about my ex-student who recently transferred. Her father was being non-supportive about it because he really wanted her in the Arabic school, regardless of the girl's feelings about it. And when the girl was determined to leave, he made a condition that if she carried on with her decision, he would no longer be interested in anything she does at all. Unlike any normal parents, he was willing to drop his job as her backbone just because she didn't live this dream of his.

That is CONDITIONAL love. And this girl is only like, 10 years old! She's still too young for this drama to be inflicted on her. I know kids at this age don't really know what they want, but at least support her when she decides she can't take it anymore. Don't discourage her more. Don't de-motivate her when she's already quite unmotivated. And now I hear she also doesn't wanna go to school at her new/old school.

Now, while her father only loves her conditionally, her mother was also as disappointed. She cried and begged her daughter to give Arabic school another try. But the girl remained unmoved. Her mother eventually made peace with it, and came with her to school to deal with the process of changing schools. She was still there to hold her hands, to let her know that everything was still going to be okay.

The Prophet didn't say 'mother' three times for nothing.

I know one day the girl will probably regret letting her parents down, but at least realising that will make her more determined to make her parents happy and proud of her again. I believe she did not do what she did in vain. It's gonna pay off somehow. If she let her down now, she will make them proud somewhere else. Maybe even prouder.

I let my parents down by not pursuing MA. I know they support my decisions, but I could still feel the disappointment. It was a test for me, to see if I could handle it well. Obviously I didn't. I let personal breakdowns get in the way. But I never blamed anyone, it all came from me.

This is a life lesson for me. Maybe my luck is somewhere else. I just can't see it now. But that's okay. Alhamdulillah


Anonymous said...

oh so touching:") good luck anyway!!

K said...

=) good luck to you too!