After three months

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hello! So today I did a little sweeping, and by little I meant - threw all blog entries away from this blog. But aaahhh - fret not - I just transferred them. I didn't delete them. Because I know one day I'm going to read through them back for reference.

Digressing, I remember the other day I was searching for an entry I distinctly remember writing. It was right after I had done my thesis proposal about Al-Quran studies. I found out this phrase, it was very uplifting. I tried to remember back the phrase, but to no avail. Even tried googling about it. In vain. So I went through my blog entries, and yet again - to no avail. Then I cross-examined everything. Tried to remember when I wrote that proposal. Long story short, I had no evidence against believing that I wrote that entry on That's short for It's not there anymore because after one year I didn't renew my account. I regret now not backing up all the files and entries I posted on

So all my old entries go to this archive -> Zaty's Past. It's locked of course, but you can always ask for a key, ya?


PS : And oh - this blog is now open to public.